There are many ways to continue to stay up to date on social networking sites on this one, you can use web browsers, third party applications like Twhirl, or access them directly from your phone.

Probably almost everyone has done it all over, but did you ever imagine reading the update status of an account on Twitter just like we read a daily newspaper? through the daily newspaper this later,
Not only will you be able to get a unique experience, but you also can more easily see what has recently happened to some of your friends and as well as social networking, update the information from everyone which followed (followers) and of those who follow (following).
By using the services of feature, we can not only produce our own daily newspaper, we can even make a daily newspaper that will contain updated information from other Twitter users or daily newspaper that contains a particular topic discussed in the emerging social networking Twitter time this.
- Point your browser to Click the link to sign-in to begin using features of the service. Then select the button Twitter, to sign in use your Twitter account.
- Once logged in, then a window will request approval rmasi ration to be able to access data of your Twitter account. Click Allow to permit access required.
- After the signing in successfully, then at the top right of your browser now appears some new menu, one of which is to create a newspaper. Click the link menu to start making our first daily newspaper.
- Create a newspaper on this page, you will find 3 options related to the choice of daily newspaper that we will create. Option “of a Twitter user + Those being Followed “is used if you want to create a daily newspaper that contains user account information update specific Twitter along with other Twitter users who also participated (Followed). Option “of a Twitter # tag”, use this option if you want to create a daily newspaper which contains information of a particular topic being discussed in Twitter social networking environment. Thfe last option “of a Twitter @ list”, if you intend to display updated information from the list of Twitter users that already exists. Section we fill in the blanks in accordance with the requested data (eg name of a Twitter user, # tag, or twiter-list). When you are finished, simply click the CREATE button to start producing the daily newspaper you are.
- Fill in the email as well as the written word in the settings window that appears to Alert feature. Then click the confirm button.
- Use the Promote menu it is located adjacent to the menu last Alert me to promote your Daily newspaper had to other Twitter users.

This daily newspaper production process will require some time, before it can be shown results. If completed, so now you can see the handiwork Daily newspaper that you created earlier.
In addition, you may be able to use some additional features, such as Alert me to notify you whenever your daily newspaper experience renewal.
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