Nippon is Free WordPress Theme dedicated for 2011 Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami. We created this theme using RED Color, this color is the same color with Japan Flag.

Nippon WordPress Theme screen shot
Nippon WordPress Theme screen shot

You can Help Japanese Eartquake via Google Checkout on this page

More details about Nippon WordPress Theme

  • WordPress 3.1 Full Supported include Post Format, Threaded Comment, etc
  • CSS Framework
  • 2 Columns
  • Custom Header
  • Flickr and Twitter Integration
  • Theme Options
  • CSS 3
  • Beautiful Red Color Scheme
  • Google @font-face powered
  • Image Re size on the fly for Recent Post with TimTumb
  • Creative Commons License

Download Nippon Theme

You can download Nippon Theme

[download id=”50″]

Nippon Theme Demo

You can check our demo page here Nippon Theme Demo

Nippon F.A.Q

Any question?