Singa Gunung is another Twenty Eleven Child Theme by Jauhari, this theme made using two columns with many widgets. There are many tweaks and modification from oroginal Twenty Eleven theme. This theme is perfect for AdSense and any Publisher media. The most interesting part of Singa Gunung Theme is Post Format Enhanched. So you can use and select many Post Format available and let’s Singa Gunung Display your post beautifully depend on you Post Format.
Singo Gunung also featured custom background and image header with random header support

Singa Gunung WP Theme has been optimized for wp pagenavi and SEO ALRP plugins. So you can install and will be running smoothly. We still added many featured on Singa Gunung theme. So stay tune and keep updated. Singa Gunung Also using Google Web Font (
Singa Gunung Demo
Singa Gunung Demo can be accessed on this URL
Download Singa Gunung Theme
You will need Twenty Eleven Theme installed to use this plugins.
[download id=”53″]
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