WordPress Theme: Septembre

Septembre is Free Themes for WordPress, this theme is original used for my blog (Indonesia version) and after I use it for a while I decided to make it available for public download.

On Septembre I used several plugins, and this is some list of that plugins,

I hope you download and activated this plugins to make this theme running better.

There are some code to make your Septembre more gregarious, I was add some span code to make different effect such as.
< span class=”merah”> : Make Red background in your span
< span class=”ijo”> : Make Green background in your span
< span class=”kuning”> : Make Yellow background in your span
< span class=”biru”> : Make Blue background in your span

What’s on Septembre Theme

  • Green, Red and Orange Color
  • 2 Right Sidebar
  • Widget Ready
  • Change About text via Admin Profile
  • Tested on WordPress 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x,  2.5.x, 2.6 and WordPress 2.7
  • Needed some plugins to make it better
  • WP Caption and Image Align
  • Creative Commons License

Download Now (download counter reset on 13 January 2009)


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