Profil Lengkap Nurudin Jauhari; This is me Nurudin Jauhari. Just human like you, I come from @DesaPonjong, Gunungkidul, small village in Yogyakarta, and Today I live at Malang @DesaPonjong, Ponjong, Gunungkidul Yogyakarta.

Foto Terbaru Nurudin Jauhari

I was born on 30/04/1980 in Ponjong, 1 – 15 years I stay at this Village.

On 1995 I was move to my lovely city Yogyakarta and studied at SMK Muhammadiyah Tiga on Mechanical Engineering. After finish on this School, I goes to Malang to study on Electrical Engineering in Muhammadiyah University of Malang. I am also  maintenance Alumni-UMM website and WordPress Republik until 2009.

In 2009, I move from Malang to @DesaPonjong and life in this Village until Today. With my friends @AfitHusni, @PriaMalas, @wisnu, @gojeg, @ToniSB, @si_enthon9 and @rasarab we build Awesome Site that we name it this StartUp join with many other Super StartUp such as Mobiggr, Listeno, IDWinphone and IndoCPA on MALIOME Hackerspace.

Need more information? Feel free to sent me email via my contact form.