How Fecebooker are you ?




Facebook is one of many social networking site in the Internet and I do have an account within. What’s in your mind when you saw the Facebook at the first time ? My personal opinion it was not so interesting when there are no games in this facebook and you can see the techradar opinion.

facebookFor me games and making friends within is the most important in facebook. The other function still explored right now but I do like games at facebook because it didn’t need huge Internet connection and also doesn’t need good graphic accelerator, it’s not like MMORPG.

What’s your opinion about the Facebook and how usefull facebook is for your life, write in this comments.


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12 responses to “How Fecebooker are you ?”

  1. kombor Avatar

    I am interested in signing up for an account when I visit it for the first time. Game is not important feature to me but a desire to reunite the separated bones was my main reason in joining facebook.

  2. Syafiq Zainal Avatar

    hello jauhari..i think facebook is too formal n too bored.. (juz my kind opinion).. bcoz i’ve already MySpace n Friendster..

    Meanwhile, i know that Facebook is nice target market about Business.. But i still can’t understand more about Facebook…

    🙂 Juz my 2 cent opinion 🙂

  3. kliktukar Avatar

    🙂 <= this is my face , i’m still learning about facebook, many people join on this community, do you know what does make any people interest on sign up face book?

    maybe I will considerate to sign up too…nice info

  4. aminhers Avatar

    I only follow the trend, and find old friends.:d

  5. Joe Avatar

    Personally, I really don’t like FaceBook, or it’s earlier counterpart, MySpace. They introduce you to the weirdest people you’ll ever meet –some of which turn out to be related to you.

  6. rohaizad Avatar

    Jauhari, Facebook sememangnya bagus tapi ada juga yang tidak bagusnya.

    Kamu boleh membaca risiko Facebook di sini:

  7. Aditya Avatar

    why there is very strange Title of this posts ??

    can anyone explain..:-?

  8. Herman Santoni Avatar

    just find new and collecting friends.

  9. eshanne Avatar

    weird topics but nice blog.. Hehehe.. Jauhari actually my first impression is how i can make money using the FB like FS / MySpace.. I’ve created a lot of things to boom my income for the traffic but i’m a loser..

    Hope you can get what i mean..

    The first impressions about Facebook is about Money!!:-\”

  10. mike Avatar

    FB is ok for a quick catch up with a friend but its not as good or as forfilling as a proper face to face catch up.
    and also you have the knowledge that everything you write everyone else can see, and it gets very near stalker like the way some people approach it. that’s just my opinion..tq:)

  11. teguh Avatar

    I think this site is wonderful new comer of social networking,
    and almost everybody knew about this site.

  12. ammadis Avatar

    I don’t wanna to join with facebook…or like that’s because…just blogging like thisd, to make up time to end of the rest….Huhhh cappe dah!

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