Shofi is 2 day development WordPress Theme, Shofi created using Grid CSS Framework, I choose Grid 24 for Shofi WordPress Theme, this theme build in with many features, such as

Shofi Theme
Shofi Theme
  • Grid Based Layout ( Framework)
  • Widget Ready
  • Recent Comment without any plugin
  • Nicely Recent Post
  • Left and Right sidebar
  • Auto Grabbed Image and re sized it on the fly
  • With or without custom field image
  • Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

Shofi Plugins Needed

Download Shofi

You can download this theme on this link below

[download id=”44″]


Check Shofi Demo


How To Insert Post Image?
Post Image is grabbed automatically from the content, all need to do just put your images on your content and let’s the script do it automatically.

Dont’ Forget
Don’t forget to chmod cache 777 on this folder to make it work

Ver. 1.1