Hi WordPress Fans, I will introduce fresh from the oven Magazine Style Theme, Pemuda. Pemuda is my second Magazine Style WordPress Theme. My First Magazine Style is Hamasaki. On this theme contains two version, Lite version and Pro version.

WordPress Theme: Pemuda
WordPress Theme: Pemuda

Right now currently released is Lite version, I hope I can finish the Pro version in this week. Pro Version has been released. Get it Now

What’s on Pemuda

  • Widget Support
  • Fixed Width
  • Right Sidebar
  • 125 x 125 Ads Ready
  • 468 x 60 Ads Ready
  • 160 x 600 Ads Ready
  • Gravatar Support
  • Sub Page Menu (Pro version)
  • Gradient Effect (Pro version)
  • Theme Options (Pro version)
  • Custom Image (Pro version)
  • Contact Page with CAPTCHA Support (Pro version)
  • Page Comment Templates (Pro version)
  • More and more (Pro version)
  • Creative Commons License

Featured added on Version 2.0

  • Support WordPress 2.7 included Threaded comment
  • Fix 125 ads code
  • Fix sidebar about section
  • Change some attribute on overall layout
  • Support IE 6 (suck browser) 😉
  • Add Nicely Gradient Effect
  • Add Image on Featured Category
  • Support Latest Get The Image plugins
  • Auto Grab image from content
  • and many more

Plugins Needed for better Experience

Download Pemuda (Lite Version) (download counter reset on 13 January 2009)


Demo This Theme

Click here to demo this theme

F. A. Q.

How to Configure Pages and Categories show up?
Go to Pemuda Options (Pro version) and you can configure it, or edit it manually for Lite version

I want Remove the copyright of this theme, is it possible to do?
Please contact me for the details

Change Log

1.0 : First Public Released
1.1 : Fix Sidebar when plugins not available
1.2 : Fix Ads Widget and About Section
1.3 : Fix if there are no image
1.4 : Fix Flickr Widget
2.o: Fix IE problem, and support WordPress 2.7