Ads On Adobe PDF Documents?


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Yahoo is now testing their new advertising program to give publishers an alternative to conventional way of serving ads. This program called Ads for Adobe PDF. Adobe PDF Powered by Yahoo is opened for publishers, offering placement and tracking of contextual ads alongside Portable Document Format content.

How the ads will looked like on Adobe PDF? Text-based ad units will be displayed in a panel within the PDF documents and the units are static. They will not affect user’s reading experience. Relevant ads wil be displayed based on the subject of the document, each time the PDF is viewed.

This new method will extend advertiser’s market place. Same as other pay-per-click ads, Ads for Adobe PDF gives Yahoo advertisers anotherl distribution channel that can reach highly specific audiences based on reading interests.

You need to register first to join on this program either as publishers or content owners. After joining, you may upload your PDF documents into the Ads for Adobe Powered by Yahoo site or submit the URL of the site where the PDF documents exist.

If you are are content owners, just wait for this ads system to be launched soon. While waiting, you can check the sample here.

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