Bunda Sarilah has past away



Bunda Sarilah
Bunda Sarilah Anas

This morning He call me but I’m not available at that time. My wife told me that Jauhari’s mom has past away this morning. In what time exactly she past away till now I don’t have the information about it. But, I’d like to share with Jauhari’s readers and I hope all of you could pray for her and Jauhari’s family’s could be strong to handle this situation.

Bunda Sarilah Anas stayed in Sardjito’s hospital almost for a month and she had complication. Lately bunda Sarilah conditions gone weaker. Food supplement can’t be eaten and it’s makes the condition worse.

I believe that Allah SWT give the best for servants, if this is indeed the best for the bunda we have to Ikhlas to deal with this bro and keep do the best to bunda Sarilah. Hopefully the children and grandchildren becomes sholeh and sholehah and keep fight for your religion.


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19 responses to “Bunda Sarilah has past away”

  1. Aldo Padilla Avatar

    My heart and prayers go out to you and your family.


  2. gadis Avatar

    turut berduka cita, moga amal ibadah di terima di sisi-Nya

  3. Kombor Avatar

    Inna lillaahi wa inna ilaihi raaji’uun. My deep sympathy to Mr. Jauhari.

  4. ainkdast Avatar

    semoga keluarga yang di tinggalkan mendapat kekuatan dari Allah SWT untuk bersabar dan meridhoi kepergian Bunda Sarilah Anas…………


  5. isdah ahmad Avatar

    inalillahi wainnalillahi rojiun
    semoga amal ibadah beliau diterima di sisi alloh swt 🙁

  6. thom Avatar

    I am sorry to hear that. Turut berduka cita, semoga amal ibadah-Nya diterima dan mendapatkan tempat yang terbaik di sisi-Nya. Ameen

  7. Imam Suharjo Avatar

    Turut berduka Pak Nurdin dan Keluarga, moga amal ibdahnya diterima.

  8. Arie Avatar

    Inna lillaahi wa inna ilaihi raaji’uun. Turut berduka cita. Maaf baru baca

  9. Tubagus Avatar

    turut berduka cita, semoga amal ibadah beliau di terima di sisi-Nya

  10. Ian Avatar

    moga amalibadahnya diterima oleh-Nya 🙂

  11. Azwar Khalid Avatar

    Just got to the site by chance and read the sad news. May Allah bless her soul and sorry to hear that. My saddest sympathies to you and your family and friends. Hold tight in this sad time.


  12. Haris Avatar

    Baru kali ini saya mampir di situs ini. turut berduka cita atas meninggalnya orang yang anda cintai.
    semoga diberi kekuatan untuk terus berkarya bagi sesama


  13. inos Avatar

    in deepest condolence.. i hope this is the best way for your mom to face Allah SWT.. amin

  14. azaxs Avatar

    semoga diterima amal ibadah beliau disisi-Nya..

    maaf telat mas…

  15. aprie Avatar

    ikut berduka cita mas…

  16. omwijaya Avatar

    Turut Duka Cita .. semoga arwah amal ibadah beliau diterima di sisi ALLOH SWT, ketabahan dan kesabaran bagi keluarag ayang ditinggalkan, amien3x .. [-o< ..

  17. munawar am Avatar

    Allah SWT memberi yang terbaik dengan memanggilnya ke sisi-Nya, Mas…, Allohummaghfrilaha warhamha wa’afiha wa’fu ‘anha.. ,amin.

  18. Kehidupan Solo Avatar

    Ikut berduka cita. Mudah2an diterima disisiNya, beliau pasti bangga dengan putranya yg bisa sukses.

  19. rose Avatar

    sorry to hear about your mom.. someone told me this when my mom passed away..

    “when you have loved someone they become a part of you”

    Take care

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