iPhone: Yahoo! Mesenger app updated




If you check on your iPhone App Store you’ll see and info about Yahoo! Messenger app. Version 2.0 has been released today. There are so many enhancement on version 2.0. This is some of them.

Yahoo Messenger 2 App
Yahoo Messenger 2 App
  • Make video to Yahoo! Messenger friends
  • Make voice calls to Yahoo! Messenger friends
  • With Extra fee, call out to phones around the world.
  • Instant notifications and free SMS.
  • Support Multitasking on iOS 4

You can read more details and download Yahoo! Messenger iPhone App on iTunes Store

Please note, voice calls didn’t work on iPod Touch 4 (TUAW)


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One response to “iPhone: Yahoo! Mesenger app updated”

  1. iPhone: Yahoo! Mesenger app updated http://nxy.in/qo1xl [Jauhari]

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