Type Approval Indonesia




Actually Type Approval is still a new technology for me, because I never involved directly with government and some company or institute that use this technology for their system policy. Especially if you’re living in Indonesia.
Umbul Narmadi is one of the man behind this Type Approval Certification from CV.DIMULTI.

narmadidotcomType Approval could make jobs easier, but also government could become clean by using this certification (I think). I believe there are no perfect system that could eliminate all the mulfunction of human error but at least we could decrease it.

Narmadi.com is a complete information about this Type Approval technology and also he provide everything like hardware, software, how to get those gadget. 

To get to know better about this technology you can visit narmadi.com and search whatever you need to know about Type Approval Technology.


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3 responses to “Type Approval Indonesia”

  1. Narmadi Avatar

    Thank you very much for your review….

    1. Jauhari Avatar

      You are welcome my brother

  2. Staff dimulti Avatar

    Terima kasih atas reviewnya Mas Jauhari…pasti atasan saya seneng sampe nyempatkan berkomentar tuh…
    salam kenal,

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