Applications for Social Networking




tweetdeck applicationFor those of you who frequently use social networking sites would already be familiar with some of the applications you use frequently. Some of these applications can be directly integrated with the site. لعبة الباصرة  Each application has different functions. You can adjust, about which applications are in accordance with the mobility you in using these social networking sites. Some applications include the following:

tweetdeck1TweetDeck for Windows
This application is in addition to those that use social networking sites like twitter. This application form and created a browser using Adobe AIR and suitable for those who want to update the status in real time. This application has a desktop-shaped appearance. طول كريستيانو رونالدو  TweetDeck will display various messages that come from social networking account you have, and display it in the form of columns, making it easier for you to find the desired message. In addition, you will be easier to reply a message and update status at your profile. ديبوزيت

Although this application uses a web, application usage is not limited only to users of twitter. You who have a Facebook account, LinkedIn, Buzz, and several similar sites can use this application. In addition, these applications are also available for users of the iPhone, iPod, and also the iPad. While the desktop version you can use the Mac operating system, Linux, and Windows.

fishbowlFishbowl 1.5
This application is specifically for those who have an account on Facebook. Fishbowl is a client desktop application created using Microsoft Silverlight features. With this application you can use some features on the Facebook has become more interesting and you never used before. Fishbowl has an interesting view as the browser in general. With this application you can read the newsfeed, status updates, make comments, upload photos, and some of the features you use most frequently on Facebook.


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