Having a blog is very beneficial if you love to write. In addition, if the traffic coming to the blog quite a lot, then this is also a very good thing to optimize the blog in order to make money. You could be a writer for some of the products belonging to other people, renting space for advertising, and a variety of optimizations that you think is promising.
But before you can use it all properly, it would be nice if you choose several templates are quite powerful and able to attract readers of course. Of the many templates available on the Internet, you can choose by category, number of columns, background color, a combination of templates, and many more criteria template for this purpose.
Currently one of the most widely type chosen template is a template with a modern minimalist concept. The concept of this kind of template is very useful for optimizing the blog itself, in addition to a fast loading, and navigation features are more complete, and that is certainly very SEO friendly. Such criteria are very much in demand by those who have long business through blogs, such as advertising.
To get the maximum results it is recommended to choose the type of template that is not too heavy at the time of loading. If the loading is too heavy, then this could affect the overall SEO quality, although you can apply some of the techniques.
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