Finally, the iPhone 6 will be released on September 19th 2014


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After waiting for certainty and confused about the rumors when it will be released to the market, finally a credible source to make sure that the iPhone 6 will be released on September 19th, 2014. Perhaps many are waiting for the public presence of this one smartphone. Of course, the features and facilities that were presented will always give a lot of changes to the existing applications in it, so that the mobile device lovers will not be disappointed, especially with all the apple products output has a relative price is more expensive when compared to similar products.

iphone 6 release date

As we all know, some of the sources and also released a forum, think about what kind of look and facilities provided by the iPhone 6, giving rise to various speculations about its appearance. But with this news, the gadget lovers only a matter of time to answer all questions about the product.

Some of the advantages that had circulated about the iPhone 6 specs include hardware specs certainly higher than the previous versions, such as the iPhone 5S. Along with these speculations, it seems the Apple will not take a risk by just presenting too standard specification, where it is likely to be disappointing loyal users of their products.


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