There are many kind of design blog in the Internet. But now I want to show you a blog about web design. First, the name was maxwebdesign. The design look like a News and he said a magazine style, with one headline at the top of the page and the rest of the page contain Recent post with short description like RSS model.
Now lets talk about sidebar and navigation. At the first time I take a look the designing blog is nice and calm face, but I was confuse with the navigation, it is not quite user friendly and easy reading. Tag Cloud and random post is helpful to find what’s in inside those blog. I like blog with nice picture insides and I suggest you need to take a place a thumbnail so we can get figure it out what in the rest of the articles and also put the Pictures for the view because it is important I think even it’s a magazine styles.
Basically I like the magazine style and the color is match and perfect combination between grey, dark grey, green, and red. Position and layout is OK except the thumbnail and picture :). So, the final word is keep up the good work don’t forget to update regularly and insert the pictures.
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