How To Delete Facebook Pages




New FaceBook LogoI will show you how do I deleted Facebook Pages; Everything on Facebook, right now almost every popular website have Facebook Pages, this pages is to get more closer to Facebook User. Using Facebook Pages website more easier to spread newest update, promo, discount and many more.

But have you ever know, sometimes we created New Facebook Pages but didn’t know what must I do with this page. So the best options is deleted that Facebook Pages, but how to delete Facebook Pages?

Follow This step to Delete Facebook Pages

  1. Login into you Facebook Account and go to this URL
  2. On that Pages you will see many Facebook Pages that you have created and choose edit pages that you want to delete
  3. And go this menu Manage Permissions
  4. On above Save Changes you will see the link Permanently Delete Your Pages
  5. Click on it and you have successfully delete Facebook pages

That’s is it, now Delete Facebook Pages more easier


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6 responses to “How To Delete Facebook Pages”

  1. How To Delete Facebook Pages #Facebook #Delete via @jauhari

  2. How To Delete Facebook Pages: I will show you how do I deleted Facebook Pages; Everything on Facebook… via @WPGPL

  3. Himanshu Avatar

    i was about to search for this on facebook but found in here. thanks for sharing

    1. Jauhari Avatar

      You are welcome

  4. Hardy Avatar

    And i thought that it will be a bit more complicated to remove a FB page, but then i found it quite simple because of this, thank you for the info, though.

  5. pembalut wanita Avatar

    dalam keadaan darurat ini, kalau dalam keadaan normal, kalau bisa tidak usah dihapus…

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