How to Play swf files in Ubuntu


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Want to play the *. swf format files from the Ubuntu desktop?


Listen to instructions follows.

  1. Sometimes we often get a video tutorial that still use the *. swf format. To open the swf file format, you can open it using a web browser application which has been first installed the Flash plugin. Alternatively, you can open directly from the desktop using swfdec-gnome applications.
  2. The installation process swfdec-gnome package can be done by running the following command:
  3. swfdec-gnome instalation
    swfdec-gnome instalation
  4. Once the package swfdec-gnome is installed properly, the next you can go to the page file manager, right click on select file *. swf you want to play, and select Open with menu Swfdec Flash Player.
  5. Swfdec Flash
    Swfdec Flash
  6. Now you can follow tutorial format *. swf file from the Ubuntu desktop display applications.
  7. Play swf files
    Play swf files


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