How to Share Mobile Applications and Games with Friend Easy


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Android phone does have the advantage of providing a myriad of applications that can be used at any time, be it social networking applications such as games and applications. But unfortunately, to get the application we should have a smooth internet connection to download it from the Google Play Store. This is where a lot of obstacles that arise and face due to slow internet connection makes us lazy to download.

android apps

Usually when lazy download applications for your computer or laptop, we can anticipate with a friend request from a master and then install it on the computer stay. However, when applied to a mobile phone, for example, we would like to have the actual applications or games that can be downloaded from the Google Play Store, but because of the speed of the Internet connection finally we could not get it.

So we need to figure out how to send the applications and games downloads from Google play store to another mobile phone. That is, examples of activities that we usually apply to laptop or computer above, can also be applied to android.

The steps for sending applications and games downloads from Google play store, among others:

  • Perform rooting the phone first. Rooting is pointless to give us liberty to own tinkering android phone. Rooting means we open the android system protection.
  • Download root explorer app.
  • Install and open the application.
  • Then select the directory data and app. In that folder will be seen what applications you have downloaded.
  • Determine which application you want to send and press the application until the option.
  • Choose the send option.
  • Enable Bluetooth and search for Bluetooth devices owned by a friend to be sent.
  • Inquiry as well as sending files via Bluetooth in general, then the application will already be entered on the android phone and ready for use.

How? Easy is not a way to send applications and games downloads from Google play store. So now we can easily share with friends, including with regard to sharing application for mobile phones.


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