If you are running many programs at startup, then boot up the system will spend a considerable amount of time. To expedite this process, you can use Boot-only fetching system that aims to focus on the boot process, and ignoring the run of the application process.

Follow the steps below.
- Click the Start button, and type regedit in the column Search All Programs and Files.
- Navigate the cursor to the following key: HKLM \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ SessionManager \ MemoryManagement \ Prefetch Parameters.
- In the right pane, right-click, and select Modify on the value EnablePrefetcher.
- Change the value data to 2, and click the OK button. If you later want to change
- settings of the original, you simply return the value of the data value to 3.
- Close the registry editor, and restart your computer.

Hopefully the process of booting up your system to be faster today.
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