Google Wave is a communication tool designed for Internet users to be able to communicate and collaborate on the web in realtime, like e-mail and instant messaging.

For those who already have an account on Google’s Wave, it’s time to make “tweeting” from the application. Here are its phases:
- Point your browser to the address Sign in by entering Google Account that you have. If not, you can make her more by clicking the button Create an account.

- After successful login, on the Contacts window, add a new contact by clicking the + sign located at the bottom of the window.
- Add this address: [email protected], into the Address field on the Add a new contact window that appears. Then click Submit.

- Now, you already have a new contact with the Twitbot Tweety’s name as shown below. Click the account contact, then click the New Wave.

- Moments later, you will receive an e-mail asking to log in before you can use the service, and a new window to Sign into your Twitter account will appear later.
- Make sure you do not do not block pop-ups, by first disabling the Block pop-up settings
- Windows (for Mozilla browsers, the settings of those contained in the menu Tools | Options | Content).
- Sign in to your Twitter account. After a while, you will get information that can already be
- start using the service. Access Granted!

- Now, we are able to do “Twitting” our Wave of Google applications.

Good luck, have a nice day.
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