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Sebagai Warga Negara yang baik, dan dalam rangka mengisi kekosongan konten yang lama tak ada ...

WP Robot Make Your Internet Marketing easier


If you know about posting articles automatically using feed wordpress or other wordpress plugins, so I will present to you a new technology called WP Robot. It's a premium plugin that might be interesting to have for your blogs. For the first time I saw this feature from, I think it's similar like feed wordpress plus some additional modification for any posts that do not exactly match the original any posts. In fact all of that right and many other additional and particularly if you use your blog as a business to obtain dollars from the internet as an internet marketer.

How To Never Loose Your Post Ideas?


I think you already know about Writer's block, the time when bloggers do not have any idea to write blog post. There is a list to help you to find post ideas and it worked all time. What about if you have something is "whispering" in your mind and you think you can make it as a blog post but then it is dissapear quickly right just before you write it? Several time it happeed to me. I lost the idea. It's gone with the wind. To avoid that it happens again, I have to write it somewhere quickly. My choice is to buy a notebook and have it with me always. It works. This post was noted on it and other post ideas is waiting to be published.