Pindah Server WordPress Karena php5-fpm Ngancing
Duh sebenarnya nggak mau curhat disini, tapi bagaimana ya, ceritanya itu Server JAUHARI.net ini nebeng ...
Duh sebenarnya nggak mau curhat disini, tapi bagaimana ya, ceritanya itu Server JAUHARI.net ini nebeng ...
Setelah sebelumnya setiap pindah Server VPS dari cPanel atau dari VPS lain selalu menggunakan beberapa ...
WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool and publishing platform powered by PHP ...
I just finished to install an Ubuntu Server for office work. It will act as intranet web server and information system database. I used Apache (of course plus PHP) for web server and MySQL as database server. Installation run well and I could browse MySQL database from phpMyAdmin. I added user who can connect remotely (anyhost) but I didn't test it. The next day he complained me because he can not connect to MySQL due to an error (Error code: 2003).