
Let’s make Blogging Better


Have you tested WordPress 2.7? Are you satisfied with this version? New Dashboard Interface, More Ajax Tools and Threaded comment enabled. If you are WordPress user and using my Free Themes, I will give you some good news and maybe bad news ;) The Good News is I had updated some of my Themes Collection and make it compatible with Threaded Comment and its only available in WordPress 2.7. The themes that already updated is :

Free WordPress Themes: Pemuda


Pemuda, this is what Jauhari called his brand new Free Wordpress Themes. According to him, he build this Pemuda themes dedicated to Hari Blogger Nasional (indonesia) and Hari Sumpah Pemuda (Indonesia). With the spirit of Pemuda (young man) he want to go with his first Premium themes. He was separated Pemuda themes in two version, lite and pro. As all you can see Pemuda Lite version in Jauhari Themes demo and if you're interesting with it you can contact him to deliver the Pro version and of course with more features and support system. It's kind of a unique themes and layout. If you installed this themes you will found many widget placement. You will be able to put your ads and it's already separated between ads and other sidebar. So, you could be easily to manage the sidebar and widget. new themes

Jauhari has just launched new themes and of course this themes comes from Jauhari.Net. I think it's clean but still colorful, personally I like this themes. Generaly it looks like other jauhari's themes, with new technology and Jauhari's touch it's become brand new themes. Jauhari has a professional services and it's called Jauhari Media with his URL So, if your website want to be a unique themes and become your own property legally, you may contact Jauhari Media. You will guided by him as the after sales services and great product as all we know. Budiputra looks fine and happy with his new themes and I hope all you guys who has installed Jauhari's Themes gets the same pleasure.

Themes Update and Localization Support


I want say thank to all of you who have reviewed or used my Free Themes. On this post I will give some themes update information and some new localization version. Right now, my Ayumi and vita have been translated into Germany languages by my friends Thomas Schneider. You can download Germany version on Ayumi and vita from themes download page. If you want to make other translations, please download my current themes, translate it into your chosen language and sent it back to me. I updated some themes too, to support new WordPress there release, include image captions, gravatar and many more. So, if you still found any bugs or problem when using my free themes you can leave some comment or feedback in each themes page. Need custom or more professional services? or interested to check my portfolio? Go to my Professional Themes Designer web site.