We are Moving to Virtual Private Server




For many reason, we decide to move our JAUHARI.net server to VPS server. Before I decided using VPS Server, I was tried DreamHost PS, but we was tried so many method, our web server still got terrible problem. That why I request my team mate to move our JAUHARI.net and other sub domain to my new server.

On our first install in my VPS, we got some problem, so we decided to re install the system, so I am really sorry if some of your comment was disapear on Free WordPress Theme blog. I hope server problem will be gone forever 😉

And We are hope in New VPS Server we can delivered more faster to many readers. We have a plan to released a lot of WordPress Theme again, and give to all of you for free. Happy Blogging and Have a nice day


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9 responses to “We are Moving to Virtual Private Server”

  1. user Avatar


  2. Sikat Pinoy Avatar

    That is expensive right, the VPS? Good luck to your investment. Mine, I just still stick on shared hosting and if everything goes well on my net venture, I might get VPS too.

  3. Shodan Avatar

    Oh great! now your site is hosted in VPS.net. You could also try Linode or SliceHost.

  4. Traffic Web Domain Avatar

    aduh akang…itu teh foto nya yg lagi ketawa lucu bener.. 😛
    tutup atuh akang..istifar 😛

  5. Prenotazione Traghetti Avatar

    Happy new year, happy new farm!

  6. My Link Directory Avatar

    ikh..ikh..ikh… akang jauhari tampak polos di foto nya ^^
    tertawa lepas begitu ;))

  7. jc - sikat ang pinoy Avatar

    vPS is nicier than getting a shared hosting. good decision.

  8. […] new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.After we move to VPS Server, we need to learn how to setup multiple site in one server. Our current VPS using Apache 2 web […]

  9. free vps Avatar

    VPS should be good option for you at the most because it is like a dedicated server about resource usage, each VPS has its own server load and it can be individually rebooted.

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