Windows 7 in Axioo MNC016




Today I’d like to share with the readers about my first look about Windows 7 that already pre-Order with about $50 to upgrade from windows XP or Vista. Since Windows 7 into the pre-beta, Microsoft revealed a second lot about how Windows 7 will be better than the various versions of Windows earlier. In the Windows Hardware Engineering Conference (WinHEC), Microsoft explains how Windows 7 is designed to complete the boot / shutdown faster and consume less power than the Vista operating system even though they actually have the same foundation.

windows7_beta_boot_screenWindows 7  boot and shutdown faster is just one of many aspects of performance improvement which already promised by Steve Sinofsky. Microsoft can reach the boot time faster through a variety of ways:

  • Reducing the number of system services
  • Reduce power consumption CPU, hard disk (HD) and system memory required service
  • Optimization drivers
  • Starting some services and drivers in parallel
  • Optimize prefetching for HD or SSD

Although we have previously discussed how Windows 7 will be more power efficient, WinHEC conference provides lebh detailed information about how Microsoft achieve this. Some of them are power consumption less when using a wireless network and some kernel optimization that allows the CPU to operate in lower frequencies and have a longer idle time. The end result is the battery life is better than 11% to 15% better than Vista – Windows 7 pre-beta, the final version would be even better.


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9 responses to “Windows 7 in Axioo MNC016”

  1. Joe Avatar

    Wow, Vista hasn’t even been out that long and Microsoft is already looking for its replacement? That’s not good.

  2. DataCabbitKSW Avatar

    Battery life continues to get better, but we won’t see the best improvements until there are full driver sets from hardware manufacturers, and then OEMs and system integrators build optimized profiles. You can still get some amazing performance with just a little customizing on Windows 7. I will definitely agree that the startup times on a base install are definitely improved, as are shutdown times. System resource usage out of the box is also reduced. Windows 7 has since gone out of the beta, and even past the release candidate stage. It is now in Release to Manufacture, which means it is ready for the public. General availability to folks will be on October 22nd, but certain groups have access to it in advance (source: ). If readers really want to check out the under-the-hood features in regards to Windows 7, they should start with the videos and white-papers over on the Springboard site for Windows 7 on TechNet here

  3. made gelgel Avatar

    belum pernah pakai windows 7 mas, tapi kayaknya powerful ya,

    makasih infonya 😀

  4. Cheap External Hard Drives Avatar

    WHat matters more than the s/w is that day by day processors are becoming more powerful and consuming more and more power. Have you see how much the i7 consumes? Anyways, I will use your tips when I buy 7. The world need power saved.

  5. ar Avatar
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  7. overseas removals Avatar

    Great blog post. It’s useful information.

  8. SEO optimization services Avatar


    I appreciate you for sharing these information with us. I like vista but i think it consume battery life. You are saying this gone out on win 7. I hope this is great OS wish to installl soon!

  9. G.N.R.S.U Avatar


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