Bid and Win in




Bid4prizes LogoDid you ever wish that you could really find, really good business on eBay but just cannot you find one? Now, bid4prizes proposed a much better manner to gain than you want. You select your price and make “bid” for that item. The lowest unique bid wins the item.. The key word there is single/unique. If you and 30 other people offer $0.01, you don’t wint. Anyone else that bid $2.36 wins.

The site is advertisement supported thus you must look at the Ads all the day. Your other option is to pay $9.99 per month of the unlimited offers without the Ads. Not a bad deal if you can gain a price each couple of the months or thus. It on top seems to be is average to be a great site and and a really cool concept, Go to bid4prizes and Bid and Win 😉

So, If I win and prizes is split able, a half of that prizes I will used and the other half I will sent it to the charity. Don’t wait to long, let’s start make a bid in Bid4Prizes




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4 responses to “Bid and Win in”

  1. B C Avatar
    B C

    My experience with bid4prizes
    I bid on a Samsung 50“ Plasma TV entering bids one by one using only my fingers 9660 bids 1100 or so because I was worried I missed some. At that time according to their rules you were allowed to bid as often and many bids as you wanted. They have since changed that rule allowing only 20 bids daily. I spent days and hours upon hours bidding using only my fingers and my keyboard. Ten days after the bidding was done I received a letter delivered by FedEx Mail accusing me of using an automated bidding system and forfeited the prize that I had won. I have no idea of what that even is. I called them and left a message stating I did not know what they were talking about and please call back. Mr. Raymond Muzci (president of New Motion, parent company of Bid4prizes) in his call back responded his decision was finale. They will not give me any chance to prove to them that I followed all their rules to the tee. I am not a cheater and they have been totally unfair.

  2. mill Avatar

    I am wondering if this actually is true!

  3. Dhrumin 007 Avatar
    Dhrumin 007

    :”> hi wat is about that plz send me details

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