If you saw this photos you’ll never believed if this is only Sculptor, this is Hyper Realist Sculptor by Carole Feuerman. Did you know that, Carole Feurman has enjoyed three museum retrospectives to date, and has been included in prestigious exhibitions at, among other venues, the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Palazzo Strozzi in Florence, Italy.
Born in 1945, Feuerman was a full generation younger than Duane Hanson and John de Andrea, the pioneers of figure sculpture that is life-sized and life-like down to the tiniest details. In the early Seventies, while Hanson was exhibiting his supermarket shoppers and other Pop Art satires, Feuerman was drawing album art for Alice Cooper and the Rolling Stones (‘Monkey Man’). When she turned to sculpture in 1978, she took super-realism in a new direction: she got personal. You can read more details about Carole Feurman on Wikipedia about this woman.
Now, you can check it some of Carole Feaurman Sculptor below
Painting With Fire with Carole Feurman
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