How to change Twitter Background?




change your twitter backgroundThe existence of a social networking site nowadays has become a trend, especially for those who like to communicate, whether with friends, family, friends, and your special friend. The use of social networking sites seems to be an option to conduct such communications. Besides, we know some similar sites; there are several microblogging sites which is currently a trend, particularly among the young. Various features and functions provided by these sites, ranging from application, updates  your status, reply email feature, find friend, and several applications that integrate with other sites, e.g. Facebook, Myspace, and others.

Talking about the features available on these social networking, in which case this is Twitter, we can find a lot of convenience in the use of this service. For example, display a very simple site, navigation menus that are not accompanied by a number of pop-ups, and much more can you find in Twitter. However, there are some features that seem to be very simple for you to use, in this case is the background from Twitter themselves. To view the Background, you can easily change how it looks through your account, then to the settings menu, and so on. There were so many kind and background themes you can use in order to look “your twitter” more attractive.

But, if you want to try some other background that you could try, one of which is a service provided by, where you can choose several types of themes according to your wishes. There are so many themes that are available, you can choose according to topic and niche “Tweet” that you use. As for changing the theme, not too difficult, you just simply enter your twitter username or password. Do not worry about your account, because this site guarantees the confidentiality of your personal data. If you are interested and want a different look, there’s no harm in you trying this service so that you are more enthusiastic about “tweeeeet, tweeeet, tweeeet”, OK.


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3 responses to “How to change Twitter Background?”

  1. How to change Twitter Background? / JAUHARI: The existence of a social networking site nowadays has become a trend…

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