When you decide to start an online business, then the first step that must be done is to build a blog. There are many types of blogs or websites that could be a means for doing business or opening an online store. But before everything is done well, you certainly need to choose a domain first. If the website will be used in business and open an online store, then the domain with the .com extension is the best and right.
Why this extension is suitable to run your online business? This is because some of the important criteria that the results will be optimal, as for example because it has a great commercial value when compared to some other extension. But often the problem is the price of a domain with the extension is quite expensive when compared with other extensions.
There are times when the use of the domain is very important to show a brand that will sell. You can create a domain that is quite unique and interesting, certainly the most important is no one who has that domain. If you ‘ve found a domain that you think fit, you can directly register for the website to be used as a means of online business can be immediately activated.
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