Create Pop-Up Hints with PHP




Use the overLIB library to pop up hints for words on your web page using JavaScript and PHP.

With the overLIB JavaScript library , you can have handy pop-up labels that appear above text on your page. This hack makes it a little easier to create these links by providing a PHP wrapper function to invoke the library.

Complete Code

Save the code shown as pop-up.php.

A wrapper function that simplifies overLIB use, courtesy of PHP

function popup( $text, $popup )
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onmouseover="return overlib('<?php echo($popup); ?>
');" onmouseout="return nd();"><?php echo($text); ?></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="overlib/overlib.js"><!-- overLIB (c) Erik Bosrup -->
<div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000;">
With PHP, we can combine with some javascript to make small popups. <br />Just hover your mouse on <?php popup(
'me', 'And this is The Hover Text.<br/>Looking Wonderfull ha?.'
); ?>. It's work ^_*.

You could also put the wrapper function into a PHP library, include that library in your PHP pages, and turn this into a nice, reusable utility function.

Test Your Code

Download and unpack the overLIB library into your web server’s documents directory. Then add in the pop-up.php file and test it on your browser, You should see something similar

PHP Popups Screen shoot 1

Next, move the mouse over the word me, and you will see the pop up appear, which gives you a little more information about me

PHP Popups Screen shoot 2

This pop up can be as elaborate as you like, with images, tables, different fonts, styles, and whatever else you want it.


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8 responses to “Create Pop-Up Hints with PHP”

  1. Sergey Koulik Avatar
    Sergey Koulik

    With PHP, we can combine with some javascript to make small popups. Just hover your mouse on me.

    Why do things harder they are?..

    1. Jauhari Avatar

      That’s right Sergey, we can use that, but sometimes we need add more complex code and we can do that with PHP that I post in this tutorial 😉

  2. just-me Avatar

    <a href=”javascript:void(0);” onmouseover=”return overlib(‘
    ‘);” onmouseout=”return nd();”>

    With PHP, we can combine with some javascript to make small popups. Just hover your mouse on <?php popup(
    ‘me’, ‘And this is The Hover Text.Looking Wonderfull ha?.’
    ); ?>. It’s work ^_*.

  3. johnix Avatar

    Sergey, that’s just a title attribute which only shows for a second or two. If you need longer tips, you need one that stays there until you’re finished reading it.

    This code does that.

    The only thing that it isn’t very useful for are php/javascript pages you’ve already built and you want to add these tips to existing links.

    You have to totally recode your site to use this.

  4. Kamal Avatar

    That’s right Sergey, we can use that, but sometimes we need add more complex code and we can do that with PHP that I post in this tutorial

  5. milin Avatar

    Download and unpack the overLIB library into your web server’s documents directory.

  6. Create Pop-Up Hints with PHP / JAUHARI:

  7. Ramzi Avatar

    Mohon tutorial lainnya juga pak, soalnya php tu banyak banget dan agak rumit menurut saya
    terima kasih

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