Create Quiz Easy Using Hot Potatoes




Hot Pop LogoHot Potatoes created by Half Baked Software is a must-have tool for teachers or trainers who want to create a web based interactive exercises for students. Hot Potatoes allow you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises and then publish it on the World Wide Web.

Hot Potatoes

There are six basic applications included in Hot Potatoes distribution:

  1. JCloze to create gap-fill exercises. The gaps are created by selecting words that need to be removed on a text. Students must fill the gaps with correct answers. Clues and alternative correct answers can be provided.
  2. JQuiz to create question based quizzes. The quizzes can give visual feedback on answers, hints on questions and free letter help upon users’ request.
  3. JCross to create crossword puzzles. As in JQuiz and JCloze, a hint button allows the student to request a free letter if needed. A crossword can be created automatically from a selection of words.
  4. JMatch to create matching or ordering exercises using text and/or images. Items on the left are matched with items on the right by dragging and dropping or from answers selected from a drop down list.
  5. JMix to create jumbled sentence exercises.
  6. The Masher to combine quizzes and exercises into a sequence and upload to a Web space. The Masher can be used to custom the look and feel of the combined ‘unit’ as a whole. You need a commercial license key to create units of more than three files.

So what are you waiting for? Get the potatoes while it’s still hot. It is available at


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One response to “Create Quiz Easy Using Hot Potatoes”

  1. Chandrakant Prasad Avatar

    I was looking for Online quiz but you have solved the problem for offline quiz, by the way it was also very interesting.

    Thank you

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