Los Angeles Criminal Lawyer




I lived in Indonesia, but I like to explore the United state laws articles. I’ve got several information about Van Nuys DUI legal penalties while you’re under Influences. In Indonesia, the police won’t busted people in drug treatment that cause sleepy while using those drugs. I found this information from a Los Angeles Criminal Lawyer that has many ability take cases at several district.

Perhaps in different country they has different Criminal Attorneys so it has their own laws. I like when the police strick to the law and can’t be negotiated, but unfortunately some police still doing it in our country. I hope in the next periode the government can finish this majority problems and become peacefull communities.


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22 responses to “Los Angeles Criminal Lawyer”

  1. Joko Susilo Avatar

    Good article. Its GREAT BLOG Mr Jauhari!
    Salam ACTION!

  2. Max Manroe Avatar

    If you in Indonesia and you drunk while drive your car, then the police stop your car, there’s two option…money or jail, LOL

  3. proindonesianblogger Avatar

    Thank You Very Much, Your Article Was Help Me to Create My Home Work

  4. Bulnop Avatar

    That’s America, the law is really enforced. Whoever he is, if breaking the rules will be penalized

  5. Ryo wibowo Avatar

    But in Indonesia you have three option, go to the court, give money to the police or runaway. Lol

    1. ava Avatar

      this is the real condition in my country,..


  6. khalik Avatar

    nice info, thanks for sharing 🙂

  7. Rizal Hanafi Avatar

    if you lived in Indonesia when driving a car in a drunken situation will definitely caught by the police , but there are two options of money or jail . LOL

  8. boom Avatar

    hmmm nice post

  9. Kahar Kher Avatar
    Kahar Kher

    wah sudah go internasional blognya

  10. Delia Avatar

    It wont be happening, till there is a firm penalty for those who did

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  15. Ilya Alya2 Avatar
    Ilya Alya2

    Have you ever met directly with lawyer

  16. Umroh Murah Avatar

    Hopefully in any country the law enforcement system always gets better

  17. Intan Kirana Maulida Avatar

    I hope all the police will always be firm and fair

  18. Anak Dagang Avatar

    If you are in Indonesia, there are only 2 options. Give money or go to jail

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