Custom domains for Your Site




custom domainsAt the moment you first create a blog, you might still use the domain name services are free, such as blogspot or wordpress. But, along with the functions of a blog or a site that continues to grow day by day, then you can make a paid domain name with the main domain address, for example; . com, .net, . info, etc, as well as some services that offer domain name of the domain itself functions according to the topic blog or website. Why this is so important for you to do? Use the primary domain for your blog or your site will usually be more impressive professional visitors by rating your blog or site, especially if the blog is intended as a service for online businesses.custom domain

How to do this? Especially for you who want to change the URL address that you already made? For example, in this case you want to change the URL address: or, you can buy a domain that many services once available on the Internet. But before you use a domain name for your site, you should first check the domain name you want to use. Some sites that you can use to search for domain names which are Where on this service, you just simply enter the domain name you want to use, if that domain name is not already using it, and then you can use the name.

Normally to do a custom domain, you can contact the web hosting services company, as for price for a domain usually depends on the domain name itself, whether to use; .com, .net, .info, .ac, and so on. For a domain with the .com, usually offered monthly price is quite cheap, between $ 3 to $ 10, depending on the number of the features offered by web hosting companies.


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One response to “Custom domains for Your Site”

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    Asadshop Printing

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