Downtown LA JACL seeks Bone Marrow Donor



Support Krissy Kobata
Support Krissy Kobata

The Downtown LA JACL is seeking to find a bone marrow donor for Krissy Kobata a fun-loving, 26 year old up until the beginning of this year when she was diagnosed with a blood disorder called Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS). Typically MDS is diagnosed in 60+ year old men, Krissy is a vibrant 26 year old woman! The only cure is a bone marrow transplant. Ethnicity is a key factor in finding a bone marrow “match” and Krissy’s family is of mixed heritage – Japanese and Caucasian – which has made it more difficult for her to find a donor match. More diverse donors are needed! As of yet, none of Krissy’s family members have been a match and so we are asking for the help and generosity of others to save our Krissy’s life! You make visit her site directly at

PLEASE, if you haven’t registered as a bone marrow donor, do so as soon as possible. Her life and many, many others depend on people like you who are willing to help a stranger. A Bone Marrow Donor is needed for Krissy Kobata.

The Japanese American National Museum will be having a donor drive on Thursday September 25, 2008 from 7 p.m. to 9. p.m located at 1111. N. Central Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90012. source

The time and exact location of the drive is TBA but plan for the evening and near the museum or at the building that the films will be viewed. location at 111 N. Central Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90012.

Krissy is 26 years old and up until a few months ago, was a healthy, happy, energetic, busy person. She grew up in the West Los Angeles/Brentwood area and went to local schools — St. Martin of Tours and Marymount High School, before attending and graduating from the University of Colorado at Boulder. She currently works as a media supervisor for an advertising firm and loves her job, family, friends and having fun!

Krissy Kobata

Some would say that Krissy has a spunky spirit. She may be small in stature, but has a big personality. She loves spending time with her family and friends; sharing lots of laughs, making memories, and traveling to explore new places and people. Unfortunately, her life has taken a bit of a different path than what a normal 26 year old would plan. She has been diagnosed with MDS, Myleodysplastic Syndrome. This disease is a primary bone marrow failure in which her marrow is not producing the healthy cells it needs to be. Often times, it is referred to as E2pre-leukemia” and the only known cure is a bone marrow transplant.”

What she’d like most is to get healthy and back to enjoying life with those that are most important to her. Before doing that, however, she needs to find a match. Being mixed race (Krissy is half Japanese and half Caucasian) makes finding a match more difficult than most. We know through all the efforts being made on everyone’s behalf, we will find a match, but just need a little extra help. Please consider registering to become a donor… you may just be her match! “We sincerely hope everyone comes out to the Japanese American National Museum to help support Krissy and to help get the word out for a donor,” stated Kitty Sankey President of the Downtown Los Angeles JACL. The Downtown Los Angeles Japanese American Citizens League is one of the oldest civil rights groups in the nation and is able led by President Kitty Sankey and Board members Rodney Nakada, Marilyn Nakata, Glenn Furumura, Patricia Sookdet, Nancy Nix, Lillian Inatomi Kozai, Amy Tambara and Mary Yamada.


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2 responses to “Downtown LA JACL seeks Bone Marrow Donor”

  1. Nice Icons Avatar

    😡 , nice girls

  2. […] Downtown LA JACL seeks Bone Marrow Donor JAUHARI Posted by root 13 minutes ago ( Sep 8 2008 the downtown la jacl is seeking to find a bone marrow donor for krissy kobata a 1 comments add yours the upper is the most recent comment powered by wordpress 2 7 1 entries rss and comments rss Discuss  |  Bury |  News | Downtown LA JACL seeks Bone Marrow Donor JAUHARI […]

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