Flickr New Face




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Yes yes I love new Yahoo Flickr Interface. Look so simple but Powerfull, Why Powerfull? Look the Main Menu? So Simple and have sub menu that handle all our fave tools. From Organize until Explore photos.

On the right side on the top, like you can see, Search Form look so simple and easy to find.

On the bottom? very very simple design with full information. Thanks Yahoo! Flickr 🙂



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10 responses to “Flickr New Face”

  1. pengunjung setia Avatar

    tambah keyen aja … 🙂

  2. ario dipoyono Avatar

    Flickr tambah bagus… semoga tambah gratis nya lama

  3. aRdho Avatar

    berubah ya? gak ngerasa deh ada bedanya.. :p

    maklum.. bukan maniak flickr… 😉

  4. geblek Avatar

    keren lagi kalo digratisin terus
    sukur2 ditambah spacenya :d

  5. Jauhari Avatar

    Space khan UNLIMITED (Setau saya) 😀 Cuma jatah UPLOAD buat yang FREE sebulan cuma 20MB. Mau lebih? Make ang PRO dong 😉

  6. yonky Avatar

    kok aku males pake flickr ya? 😕
    eh, plugin comment preview-nya pake apa?

  7. medon Avatar

    Flickr tea atuh! :-“

  8. kus Avatar

    ya bagus, aye juga pecinta flickr 😡 wa ha ha ha

    sekarang sudah gak pakai flash yang sux itu, semuanya AJAX 😀

  9. valent Avatar

    g da menariknya,,
    buat lebih menarik donj..:P

  10. free Download Software license Avatar

    Mas Geblek mintaknya gratisan tok hahaha.. mbayar dunk kalau pengen maju hehehe….

    tp buat q gratis hahaha sama aja

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