Most video files are scattered in the Internet world created in the format .flv. Not all application can run this format. At browser, you have to install the add-on first so you can open it at browser. Now, find the application which is exactly what you hope and suit your needs. How about this one? FlowPlayer is ready to use for this. You do not need any dependency. Examples of sites that use this application is FlowPlayer.thml as a default, Player will does the video file loading from the same location where the FlowPlayer.swf file also loaded. The name of this variable is “videofile”, and its value is the name of the video files are accompanied or not with the suffix extension
2 responses to “FlowPlayer 3.1.2”
Thanks… is very usefull..
I’ve got to try this. I remember 10 step conversions 🙂 to get it to mov or avi. This would really simplify things.
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