Forum Plugin For WordPress




Last week I set up a community website based on WordPress. The main feature is of course a forum (discussion board) for the members. There are so many forums available on the net such as phpBB (open source) and vBulletin (commercial) but can not impressed me. I mean some of them are too much for me, especially for the paid one 😉

If you asked me why I used WordPress instead of pure forum, it is because I need to have a CMS to publish news, blog posts, and articles and allow member to comment. We have it on WordPress right?

Thanks to Andy Staines who creates a plugin for wordpress named “Simple Forum (SF)”. The installation is easy as usual plugin install. SF is using WordPress User Management for the membership system as well as user registration. To allow user registration, you need to tick “Anyone can register” under WordPress Option.

SF has a feature called “post linking” which provides a possibility to create forum topic posts based on blog entries and vice versa. Only members who are allowed to post on blog have this option while making a new topic post. RSS also available to ease you in placing forum feed in your blog.

You need to try it to feel its power. Download link is available at

Here is the screenshoot of my forum.

Simple Forum


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48 responses to “Forum Plugin For WordPress”

  1. Uncle Che Avatar

    I am very happy seeing a post like this. This this time next week, should have a forum running on it. Cheers

  2. OMSH Avatar

    Okay, what if the blogger doesn’t want people posting in other areas of WordPress, but only on the forums. Does it allow for that?

  3. Robert Avatar

    Thanks – we’ll be adding this to our site too.

  4. frida Avatar

    halo….mau tanya nich…kalo plugin WP untuk “blog pasang iklan gratis” sepert di link ini apa ya :
    thank’s sebelumnya

  5. Phoenix Avatar

    What a great find. I was looking for something like this everywhere.:d

  6. Tony Avatar

    Thanks for such an opportune piece of advice when looking for a forum plugin for WordPress. I had struggled with intergrating bbpress although I expected it would, having mastered the integration, be possible to modify the aesthetics through additional theme changes. However, I’ll go with your recommendation because I didn’t set out to become a CSS editor. I have enough texts of my own to modify. Thanks again.

  7. Sanjay M Avatar

    thank you – I’m trying it out but their website looks great! they now have a new site

  8. ramzkie Avatar

    thanks a lot…

  9. Chelle Avatar

    I am so glad I found this post. I set up a forum using this plug-in in about 2 hours – but I know the next time I use it will be much faster now that I’ve figured it out! Had a few troubleshooting issues with set up and my theme, but now that it’s up I couldn’t be more happier!

    I really can’t believe this plug-in is free, its that’s good 🙂

  10. Fred Avatar

    Cool, I like this Simple Forum plug-in seem really nice! I like WordPress. So free WordPress, free plug-ins and more. FREE hosting. I just found out this place and after some months on it, I can say it’s a good spot! You have 1500mb of space, everything WordPress need and many tools via cPanel too. Take look!

  11. sMs021 Avatar

    Thank You! Thank you! Thank you!

    This works Awesome, easy to install and simple to use. i have been searching a long time for a Forum Plugin like this.

    in case i didn’t say it, Thank you!

  12. gojeg Avatar

    sip.. ini dia yang aku butuhin.. thanks ya.. :x:x:x

  13. Forum Plugin for WordPress – Nice post

  14. eka tyo Avatar
    eka tyo

    Mau nanya neh sama senior2 yang diatas..
    gimana yah caranya nampilin forum ini ke halaman depan wordpress… soalnya setelah saya menginstall ini koq forumnya tidak bisa di akses dari depan yah? apakah harus ada syarat lain? mohon bantuannya atau kirim langsung ke email saya di [email protected] terimakasih sebelumnya

  15. Rudi Avatar

    Thx bang atas pemberitahuannya, udah lama mo nyari forum plugin buat wp neh
    Mo nyoba dulu bang

  16. […] Forum Plugin For WordPress JAUHARI Posted by root 4 hours ago ( Your webmaster search is plugin forum wordpress jauhari 14 comments add yours the upper is the most recent comment auto insurance quotes middot auto insurance middot health insurance middot tattoos middot movie downloads middot online pmp certification po Discuss  |  Bury |  News | Forum Plugin For WordPress JAUHARI […]

  17. Gene Krupa Avatar

    This seems like a very nice plugin

  18. james Avatar

    I have installed but not sure how to add it in the page. do it has something like code to be inserted in the page ?

  19. wp forum Avatar

    i install it now, i hope, it is useful

  20. Ken Avatar

    I looking it for a long time. Thanks for that..

  21. aside from the internal server ERROR …. who the hell has their favicon has themselves??? WTF! that’s just creepy!

  22. anang Avatar

    thank mas.jago banget.bookmark dulu aja.

  23. stats counter Avatar

    well i think it will look cool but i want to know how wordpress support forum works for wordpress it is really cool one…i am installing this one.

  24. My Link Directory Avatar

    wah..bisa buat forum juga toh di wordpress? asikk… ^^

  25. ipang Avatar

    izin nyimak gan…
    sekalian senggol GA nya…
    di tunggu senggokan balik nya

  26. HeriNXI Avatar

    i need to try this one. thanks for the info.

  27. Kamal S. Avatar

    Nurudon, this is perfect. Exactly what I was tearing my hair out looking for.

    On the side, I like you blog’s theme design.

  28. Pecinta Kuliner Avatar

    I will try it, for my new website… thanks, brother 😀

  29. kowek Avatar

    i have no idea if wordpress forced to become a forum. although have powerful plugin for making such a forum on wordpress, it’s still left behind with another CMS of course. btw, good job.

  30. Unlimited Forum Avatar

    Hi, I’m newbie …I like wordpress too. Nice to meet you in this blog. Guide me please. Thank you

  31. Avatar

    thanks for sharing
    kebetulan lagi mo bikin .

  32. @vivenochedf ya lo encontré gracias… keep up!

  33. Orang Ngapak Avatar

    Sedang pilih-pilih plugin forum nih….semoga plugin wp yg terbaik..trims

  34. cebu travels Avatar

    the lin to the download page of the forum plugin is down. please if you have it uploaded in rapidshare please post it. 😀

  35. rabian Avatar


  36. Agus Suhanto Avatar

    Hi mas Jauhari, I think the idea is cool to have a forum in WordPress. But the use of plugin really make it too heavy…

    I think it’s better to use bbpress and integrate it with WordPress users. I use it in and

  37. LEE Avatar

    Simple Press looks like a interesting plugin that I need to try out.


    I think wordpress plugin many mani reliable thanks for all.

  39. Mike Avatar

    I never new that you could create a forum on wordpress. How does the forum compare to other forums such as vBulletin and phpBB?

  40. afit Avatar

    wah mantap ni …kapan2 buat forum ah….

  41. @tinekeveenstra misschien is dit wat. Maar ik neem aan dat je die zelf ook al hebt gevonden.

  42. auliayasmin Avatar

    forum kayak apa yach….

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  44. agus priyadi Avatar
    agus priyadi

    Menggunakan plugin seo untuk wordpress memang sangat perlu karna dapat mempermudah optimasi seo blog seperti membidik keyword dan kemudian memodifikasikan dalam setiap postingan / artikel.
    Misalnya anda membidik keyword meja kursi maka dengan menggunakan plugin seo judul keyword dan diskripsinya bisa di sesuaikan dengan isi artikel agar mudah ditemukan di mesin pencari.
    Hal serupa telah saya lakukan untuk situs saya yang mana setiap keyword yang dibidik masuk dalam index search engine

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    mantap informasinya..

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