Glasses-Free 3D Display for iOS (iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad)




iOS Developer from France Jeremie Francone and Laurence Nigay from the Grenoble Informatics Laboratory introducing Glasses-Free 3D Display for iPhone 4 and iPad 2. This technology using front-facing camera to detect position of the iOS user. Have you check 3D Desktop using Bump Top?

This technology didn’t use Gyro Sensor or accelerometer feature, but using front-facing camera by follows user’s movements kind of like the Kinect controller does. In the future, I think we could be playing glasses-free 3-D games on our iPad and iPhones in the not-too-distant future.

Check Glassess-Free 3D Display on iPhone

Check Glassess-Free 3D Display on iPad 2

Please note, this apps will be needed latest iOS with front-face camera such as (iPod Touch, iPad 2 and  iPhone 4)

Via VentureBeat


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4 responses to “Glasses-Free 3D Display for iOS (iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad)”

  1. Social Bookmarking Avatar

    It easily detect the user movement so keenly and provides glass free 3d display for games.

  2. Fachrul Stream Avatar

    wow.. nice app for ipad.. hope i have it next month

  3. Glasses-Free 3D Display for iOS (iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad): iOS Developer from France Jeremie Fran… via @WPGPL

  4. Glasses-Free 3D Display for iOS (iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad) #iOS #3D_Display via @jauhari

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