iOS Developer from France Jeremie Francone and Laurence Nigay from the Grenoble Informatics Laboratory introducing Glasses-Free 3D Display for iPhone 4 and iPad 2. This technology using front-facing camera to detect position of the iOS user. Have you check 3D Desktop using Bump Top?
This technology didn’t use Gyro Sensor or accelerometer feature, but using front-facing camera by follows user’s movements kind of like the Kinect controller does. In the future, I think we could be playing glasses-free 3-D games on our iPad and iPhones in the not-too-distant future.
Check Glassess-Free 3D Display on iPhone
Check Glassess-Free 3D Display on iPad 2
Please note, this apps will be needed latest iOS with front-face camera such as (iPod Touch, iPad 2 and iPhone 4)
Via VentureBeat
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