How to avoid effects from Google Panda update




panda googleBy constantly changing Google algorithms on several websites and blogs that exist in the directory search engine, seems to make the webmaster should be more cautious in dealing with this case. Do not rule out the possibility if these conditions could be one cause of decreased performance of a site.

There are several parameters according to the master SEO to be one important thing to note, especially for those who want to keep a website that manages not affected by Google’s Panda update. If you want to know more about things to avoid from Google panda, which are:

Over optimization
Without us knowing it, often make some mistakes for optimizing a blog. Many things can cause decreased performance of a blog on search engines, such as excessive use of keywords. To overcome this, then from now on we are not advised to do the writing keyword excessively. Also, you need to keep natural link building. For the best result, some link building service that you can follow is put your signature in related forum.

Link exchange
If a few years ago link exchange method is one pretty good strategy to increase SERP rank, but for now it seems to be avoided, especially for two-way link exchanges. These conditions must be a crucial factor, especially for those who have the custom of exchanging links with blogs that are not similar. If you wish, you can build some blog as “dummy” blog. This is very important so that your blog look natural for in link and out link.

Over keyword density
One of the targets are often used to perform the optimization of a blog is to find keywords that you want to use. However, if the use of these keywords (density tolerance), then this will decrease the ranking of the blog. Even worse longer affected by Google panda (de index) from search engine.

From some of the above guide, you should be more cautious in making optimization a blog. Some web masters advice to do it naturally and manual optimization. And the most important thing is to give a lot of information for your visitor.


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One response to “How to avoid effects from Google Panda update”

  1. benhcum Avatar

    2 of my site getting deindex after google update to panda and penguin…

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