How To Change Hostname On Linux




I need to migrate my old database server (let say: intranet) to new server (intranet2). The software at the client was developed to be connected to server using hostname instead of IP address. I need to change the hostname of new server because I give it different hosname (of course it will causes a conflict if you have two machines with same name).

To change new server’s hostname from intranet2 to intranet, here are the steps:

  1. Login to Linux shell as root
  2. Run this command to change hostname

    hostname yournewhostname
    eg: hostname intranet (to change hostname to intranet)

  3. Edit hostname file to make sure that the hostname is set correctly when the server reboot

    Hostname file usually located at /etc/hostname

  4. Done

That’s all.


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2 responses to “How To Change Hostname On Linux”

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    Very interesting, Thanks 🙂

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