I will make Adobe Photoshop tutorial series, and in this session I will give you basic tutorial about photo retouching, on this session I will explain some basic tutorial. Why I made this tutorial? because my friend ask me about this, so I will help my friends and maybe someone else needed too.
So let’s get started.
We can use this tutorial both in Oldies version(6,7) or with new version (CS,CS2,CS3) of Adobe Photoshop. Before we do this tutorial, first prepare the photo. After you find what photo do you want to crop. Open it in you Adobe Photoshop like this example.
On photos above the photo is not centered and has unneeded area that should be removed. So after your photos was open, next step is find toolbox and chose crop tool or by select with keyboard shortcut(Ctrl+C) and you crop tool became activated.
After you crop tool activated, next step just draw you crop tool on the photo and make as many what you like.
If you was done just hit Enter button to crop that photo, and this the result after photos was cropped.
That it’s and you are done make photo more better.
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