The purpose of making the seo friendly content is so easy to read by spiders (search engine crawler tool), because content is easily read by search engines it will appear in search results. It should be underlined, although we write the content to be easily appear in the search engines does not mean we have to create content for the search engines, we have to keep creating content that is user friendly is not just a seo friendly. The content that we make should still be able to read, understand, and be understood by visitors to the blog , is not only able to be read by search engines.
Here are some ways to make seo friendly content, or content that is easy to come up in the search engines such as:
Writing relevant content; In creating the content, make sure everything is in accordance with the topics discussed, note the content, title content, images, and so on.
Enter the keyword at the beginning; Enter the keyword at the beginning of the target paragraph. If the target keywords “best blog 2012” enter the keyword in the sentence beginning, do not use synonyms, make sure she exactly with the target keywords.
Make inferences in paragraphs; It is intended that the content or solid at the beginning of the article. It would be very helpful especially for blogs that are not able to make the description tag content. If the item does not have a tag description , search engines will usually display the title and initial paragraphs of content in its search results.
A link to another article; If you have related content or intersect with the content being created links to such content. Make sure the link includes a keyword, do not just write like the word “click here”, “read this”, etc.
The second Keyword; If you have a second keyword, or keywords spare, be sure to use the keyword phrase or sentence that is similar to the main keyword. Use keywords as the main title.
Before publishing content note whether it is really ready to post or publish, read every sentence. Because if the content is already in published later amended, will be known by the search engines when there are changes, too much change is not good for seo content.
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