Incidentally many who asked me about the force close issues on Android, and is due to force close it causes all sorts, I was confused how to answer. Maybe that’s why this time I will discuss about troubleshooting or error handling in case of force close on your Android artificial.
Characterized by the usual force close the app suddenly stops or hang at run time. And then characterized by the emergence of alert dialog that says “The application has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again”. Although in the alert dialogue we were told to try again, or try again. But of course it does not address the issue. If the original problem is not corrected, the application will continue to have force close.
Android force close belonging to the types of runtime errors, or malfunction that is emerging when the application is run, because it is called runtime. This error is usually not detected if the application does not run, because there is no error marker on the IDE. But when it run Android applications, direct sudden force close .
Runtime error as the cause of the force close itself of various kinds, but the following are some runtime errors that often occur:
Null Pointer Exception
This error usually occurs because the variables are still empty or not initialized yet been used. So famous, most of this type of error exists on Twitter.
Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception
Occurs when our array fullness of charge. As an example we have an array of 3 elements, but filled up to 4 elements. This error is also commonly referred to as Array Index Out Of Range exception .
Out Of Memory Error
That this is because we enter a value outside the range of the variable type. For example, we include the value of 100,000 into a variable int ( integer ) the maximum range of only about 30,000 ‘s. Others are like Number Format Exception , Arithmetic Exception , Stack Overflow, and so on .
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