How To Tweets More than 140 Characters on Twitter


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Want to tweet something more than 140 characters on your Twitter? Many services that provide the how. However, these services are basically cut your tweet, and provide a specific URL for the rest of his tweet.

tall tweets logo
tall tweets logo

Tall Tweet is one of the services that provide this sort of thing. But the difference with other services is shrink the contents, and put it in some tweet.

  1. Start the browser, and navigate to Click Sign in with Twitter.
  2. Tall Tweets twitter app
    Tall Tweets twitter app
  3. Enter your Twitter username and password, then click allow
  4. Type in your tweet long as you want. In the example, I will write all the 254 character tweet, which will be 3 tweet. Click Post Tweet.
  5. Type your tweet
    Type your tweet
  6. The interface will look like this.
  7. Tall Tweets posted long tweet
    Tall Tweets posted long tweet

That’s it, we hope you can use Tall Tweets Apps wisely, because some our follower didn’t like it.


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