Usually when we hear the word Gmail, the first thing that we dipikiran is an e-mail and any activity that is in it, ranging from check e-mail, send an e-mail, and so on.
Do you know how to update her Facebook status to use your Gmail account you have? Just following these steps:
- Point your browser to Then sign in using your Gmail account. emmen beste singlebörse
- On the main iGoogle page, in the search field Search for gadgets, fill up for Facebook for iGoogle. We will use this gadget to update our Facebook status later. mollige singles baar In the search results, gadgets are the author means here may not always appear on the first page of search. The last time check, the gadget is on the third page. dating seiten in schweiz
- After finding gad get up for iGoggle, click the Add it now. After that, return to the main page
- On the main page iGoogle has emerged a new window called Face book. Click Connect with Face book to begin to activate the gadget itself.
- In the Request for Permission window, click the Allow button to allow the application of these gadgets to access data your Facebook account.
- If the process runs smoothly, it should now be able to update the status of your Facebook account.
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