If ogg format is free how about the song ?



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Promote Ogg

As all we know that ogg is multimedia format for free. You can visit here to know more information about this ogg format.

Almost all free multimedia player already support this kind of format, so you don’t have to worried about this.

You don’t lose any technical quality with Ogg Vorbis. It can compress down to a smaller size than MP3 while still sounding good. Best of all, it is designed to be completely free of patents and does not require the use of proprietary software.

Now, my question is If ogg format is free, how about the song it self ? Many song creator and singer create songs to sell and we can enjoy it. We must pay for these song. So, if you’ve bought those CD’s and convert it into ogg format. Yes when you do this step you’re legally using this song to play on, but if you already received or downloaded from the Internet in ogg format and you didn’t buy it. 🙂 What do you think about that, any comments ?



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2 responses to “If ogg format is free how about the song ?”

  1. JT Avatar

    Intellectual property laws are quite important. If you haven’t paid for the CD or MP3, then you need to pay careful attention to what the law says about posting songs to your Website, no matter what format it is in.

  2. rastom Avatar

    Ogg’s, Flac’s etc are compression technologies, whereas the songs, music speech or any audio sources compressed are separate elements which are protected by various copyright laws of the land. Undoubtedly you may post any audio of your own creation in ogg, flac etc but having songs/music/ audio which have copyright protection is actionable by the owners.

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