iPhone: Please welcome Google Goggles




So many iPhone New and Blog written the same story, it’s about Google Goggles. Now you can enjoy Google Goggles on iPhone. October 5, 2010 is the laucnh day of Google Goggles on iPhone. Like we all know Google Goggles have run smoothly on Android. Before we talk more about it, check it out the Video demo of Google Goddles


Here what Google Goggles do

Google Goggles is the next step toward merging the physical world with the online world. While it’s definitely a baby step, Googles is still groundbreaking in the search and mobile space. Goggles allows you to take a picture of essentially anything in real life: buildings, books, wine bottles, or just plain text, and get results from Google about that object… via iPhone Download Blog

TUAW said Google Goggles Image recognition like on SnapTell (now owned by Amazon) and Kooaba

Google Goggles Golden Gate Bridge
Google Goggles Golden Gate Bridge

Please Note Goggles will only work on the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4. So if you have iPhone 3G or first generation iPhone you can’t use this featured. Read more info from Google Mobile Blog


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One response to “iPhone: Please welcome Google Goggles”

  1. iPhone: Please welcome Google Goggles http://nxy.in/p2n1x [Jauhari]

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