Additional third party applications on Smartphone operating systems often make a phone capable of doing that even in seeing in science fiction many years ago. Similarly, in doing these applications, the combination of iTranslate Voice and iPhone make you like an expert who speaks in several languages of the world, because you can just talk to the iPhone in one language and the app will translate it in other languages as well in the form of sound. Currently iTranslate Voice supports up to 36 languages, the translation can even copied to be sending via SMS, email or use it as a tweet and a Facebook post.
Talk Pimp Your Screen for iOS application
The operating system is closed source such as iOS and Windows Phone usually have limited options for customization system. Fortunate present these applications to provide a touch on your iOS device to be different compared to the default iOS. This application gives you the option to customize the shelf applications, skins, application icons and themes on the homescreen or lockscreen. No less interesting, you can showing off your screen display to facebook, twitters, or tumblr.
Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock for iOS application
Features alarm was not something special on a Smartphone device. But this one application successfully makes it completely different. Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock phase analyze your sleep and will wake at the proper phase so that you feel refreshed and relaxed. During sleep, you are in a different phase each time, ranging from the sleep (deep sleep) to light sleep (light sleep) and if you are awakened by the alarm at the wrong time you will feel exhausted even just waking up. For these applications that will turn on an alarm at the best time to wake up.
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