jBlock: WordPress Theme




Are you looking for something different? Try my latest WordPress Theme: jBlock. jBlock is 3 columns WordPress Theme with a little combination with some blocks design. This theme support some plugins such as(Show Top Commentators, Popularity Contest, Optimal Title, Get Recent Comments, and other auto detection plugins).if you want make more better just download the plugins, but if you doesn’t have it, the theme still can be run without worries.

jBlock Screenshoot

If you need help with this theme, just leave your message using my contact form or leave your comment in this post. Need more customizations? Custom Design? or Sponsor a Theme Contact Me. This theme is released under GPL, Go to Theme Page and Download!



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10 responses to “jBlock: WordPress Theme”

  1. amellie Avatar

    Related postnya udah bisa toh?? Sorry bangeeettt.. daku telat 🙁 . sibuk bgt, baru skrg bisa mampir… ternyata udah bisa related postnya 😀

    1. Jauhari Avatar

      Not Really, the problem still show up on my ID-Jauhari (http://blog.jauhari.net)

      Please Help me fix it amellie 😉

  2. Kirana Avatar

    Thanx for creating a theme so cool.
    Question: Why is the SUBSCRIBE button at the upper right corner disappear after I put some widget in the bar? That button is so cute. How can I have it?

    1. Jauhari Avatar

      Hello Kirana, about problem on SUBSCRIBE Button Disappear when widget enable, I was fix it on jBlock version 1.1 Please download it again.

      If you still find problem, please give me feedback so I can fix it again and thanks for use my theme. 💡

  3. Kirana Avatar

    I tried to download it through the link provided, but a dialog box came out and said Try Saving to a different location. How do I download it?

    1. Jauhari Avatar

      I am sorry for Error Download, you can try again, because I was fix it now.


  4. Marco Lombardini Avatar

    Yea, I’m having the same problem as Kirana. Your themes are excellent by the way! Great work.

    1. Jauhari Avatar

      Hello Marco Lombardini thanks for the support, about error download? Please try again now, I was fix the error.


  5. Marco Lombardini Avatar

    Great! All working now. Will try out a few of your themes!

  6. Bill Compton Avatar

    Hi Jim. Photos i received. Thanks

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